How to Store Cherries: 5 Tips To Keep Cherries Last Longer

Cherries are a delicious fruit for the summer that are bursting with sweetness and juice. Proper storage is important for enhancing their flavour and extending their shelf life. Do you want to know how to store cherries? You are at the right place, so don’t worry. we will look at the best ways to store them. With professional advice and tactics, we have you covered for freezing and refrigeration. Let’s start now!

How to store cherries

What are Cherries?

Cherries, are tiny, round fruits from the genus Prunus and the Rosaceae family, are classified as fruits. They are available in many kinds of colours and flavours, including red, yellow, and black, and have a sweet and sour taste.

Cherries are often collected in the summer since they grow on trees.

They are appreciated both raw and in a variety of culinary dishes including pies, jams, and desserts. Due to their high nutritional profile, cherries are not only tasty but also provide several health advantages.

How to store cherries properly?

To keep cherries fresh and increase their shelf life, they must be stored properly. To remember, have the following in mind:

1. Using the appropriate container

Pick a container with enough ventilation and moisture accumulation prevention. To prevent crushing the cherries, choose shallow containers or baskets that are not densely packed.

2. Cherry cleaning and drying

Gently rinse the cherries in cold water to remove any dirt or debris before storage. Let them entirely air dry or pat them dry with a fresh towel. It’s crucial to make sure the cherries are dry before storing them since moisture might encourage deterioration.

3. Cherry storage in the fridge

Put the dry, clean cherries in a container that can breathe, either a closed container with ventilation holes or a plastic bag with holes punched in it. This aids in preserving the ideal moisture balance.

Put the container in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, which has a little colder and more humid atmosphere.

How do store cherries to last longer?

There are a few more actions you can take in addition to the usual instructions for cherry storage to make them last even longer. To extend the shelf life of cherries, store them as follows:

1. Sort and remove any damaged cherries

Cherries should be sorted and those that are bruised, mouldy, or damaged should be removed before keeping. It is preferable to remove these cherries from the batch since they can rot rapidly and could damage the remaining cherry.

2. Consider refrigerating unwashed cherries

If you’re not going to consume the cherries right away, you might want to think about storing them unwashed in the refrigerator. Before storage, washing cherries may add too much moisture, which might hasten decomposition.

As an alternative, keep them unwashed and rinse them right before eating.

3. Freeze for long-term storage

cherry may be frozen for long-term preservation, which is a great way to continue enjoying cherries after their prime season. First, carefully wash and dry the cherries. Pits may be removed if preferred.

On a  baking sheet, arrange the cherries in a single layer and freeze them until they are firm.

Then transfer the frozen cherries to a freezer-safe bag or container and squeeze out as much air as you can before sealing it. For several months, frozen cherries may be kept.

4. Bringing back cherries that have begun to wilt

If your cherries have begun to wilt, you may bring them back by soaking them in cold water for about 30 minutes. This aids in giving them back their firmness and crispness. The cherries should be drained after soaking, patted dry, and then stored as usual.

5. Cherry Dehydration

Cherries may be enjoyed as a tasty and wholesome snack by dehydrating them. The cherries should first be pitted and then cut in half. Make sure the cherry halves are not touching when you arrange them in a single layer in a dehydrator tray.

Observe the dehydrator’s temperature and drying time recommendations. The cherries should be leathery and moisture-free after complete dehydration. For many months, keep the dried cherries in an airtight jar in a cold, dark location.

Cherries are relatively delicate fruits, thus as time passes, their quality will inevitably deteriorate. Although these storage methods can help keep cherries fresh longer, for the greatest flavour and texture, cherries should be eaten within a week of purchase.

How to store cherries after washing?

  • Cherry storage must be done properly after washing to maintain freshness.
  • To start, carefully blot any extra moisture from the cherries using a kitchen towel or paper towel.
  • Then, get rid of any ruined or broken cherries so they don’t ruin the others.
  • Select a breathable storage option, such as a shallow bowl with a lid, a vented lidded container, or a perforated plastic bag.
  • To keep a chilly temperature, put the container in the refrigerator, ideally in the crisper drawer.
  • Keep an eye out for any ruined cherries and take them out right away.
  • You may keep your washed cherries properly and enjoy them for longer if you follow these instructions.
  • For the finest flavour and quality, remember to eat them right away.

How to store cherries in the freezer?

  • A great way to enjoy cherries’ flavour for a longer amount of time is to freeze them. This is how you do it:
  • First, carefully wash and dry the cherries. If you want, remove the stems and pits.
  • Then, spread the cherries out in a single layer on a baking sheet that has been prepared with a silicon mat.
  • It usually takes a few hours for the cherries to completely freeze, so place the baking sheet in the freezer.
  • Frozen cherries should be transferred to sealed freezer bags or containers with as little air as possible.
  • Place the bags in the freezer after marking the bags with the date. For up to six months, frozen cherries can be kept in storage.
  • When you’re ready to use them, just defrost the necessary quantity in the fridge or include them right away in dishes like sauces, baked goods, and smoothies.

You may enjoy cherries even when they are out of season by conveniently freezing them to maintain their flavour and nutritional benefits.

 How to Use Leftover Cherries?

Here are some suggestions for using up any leftover cherries that you can’t eat in their fresh form:

Making Jam or Jellies

Cherries are ideal for creating mouthwatering homemade jams or jellies. Cook the cherries down with the sugar and pectin until they are thick and spreadable. For long-term enjoyment, put the prepared jam or jelly in sterilised jars.

Using Cherries in Pies, Cakes, and Other Sweets

Cherries are a traditional component in many sweets. Make cherry pies, cherry cakes, cherry tarts, or cherry crumbles with your extra cherries. You may enjoy the taste of cherries all year long with the help of these wonderful delights.

Cherry Canning

Cherry Canning is a fantastic method for keeping cherries fresh. Cherry juice or simple syrup can be used to preserve cherries. The canned cherries can be used in dishes or eaten as a pleasant snack all by themselves.

Safety Considerations

It’s important to think about cherry safety and health advantages when handling them:

Cherries provide a wealth of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that have a variety of health advantages. They are well-recognised for promoting better sleep, reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, and relieving muscular discomfort.

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To benefit from cherry’s nutritional benefits, incorporate them into your diet.

Cherries should always be washed properly before eating to maintain food safety. If you want to keep them fresh, place them in a clean container in the refrigerator.

Any cherries that seem mouldy, discoloured, or have an unpleasant smell should be thrown away. To avoid contamination, use standard food safety procedures while canning or preserving cherries.

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Typical Foodborne Illnesses

If handled and stored improperly, cherries, like any other food, can increase the risk of contracting foodborne illnesses.

Cherry-related foodborne diseases frequently involve bacterial infections like Salmonella and E. coli.

Always buy cherries from reliable vendors, wash them completely before eating, and keep them at the proper temperature to reduce the danger of such illnesses.

You can get the most out of these delicious fruits while taking advantage of their health advantages and reducing any potential risks by according to these instructions for keeping cherries, using leftovers, and taking safety precautions.

Are cherries good for diabetics?

Because of its low glycemic index, antioxidants, and fibre content, cherries might be helpful for diabetes. However, adding them to a diabetic meal plan requires moderation and specialised nutritional advice.

What is the best way to store cherries?

Cherries should be handled delicately, just like valuable stones, to maintain their flavour and freshness. Don’t wash them until you’re ready to consume them; instead, keep them cold and dry in a breathable container.

How do you keep cherries fresh longer in the fridge?

Rinse cherries completely, wipe them dry, and place them in an airtight container in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Keep them fresh for a longer time!

How long do fresh cherries last?

When properly preserved, fresh cherries may normally survive for one to two weeks. However, they frequently go considerably faster due to their delicious flavour and juicy deliciousness. Enjoy their goodness while it lasts, then!

What are cherries good for?

Cherries offer many benefits for your health and taste senses in addition to being a delicious pleasure. These colourful fruits are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that can improve your general health.

What is the best container to store cherries?

The key to keeping cherries fresh and tasty while storing them is picking the correct container. Find a container that allows airflow while retaining protection, reducing moisture loss. Choose containers with vents or perforations, such as a mesh bag or a closed jar with a few tiny holes. Your cherries will remain plump, juicy, and flavorful for a longer amount of time in this method.

How long do cherries in a jar last?

Cherries’ shelf life can be considerably increased by preservation in a jar. Cherries in a jar can remain fresh for several months or even a year if they are properly sealed and kept in a cold, dark location. Before ingesting them, it’s crucial to look for spoiling indicators like mould or unpleasant odours.

How do you store cherries in Tupperware?

If you want to keep cherries in Tupperware, make sure the container is dry and clean. The cherries should be arranged in a single layer, and the Tupperware should be sealed securely after adding a layer of paper towels to the bottom. To maintain freshness longer, refrigerate.

Can you preserve cherries in water?

Although cherries may be stored in water, this is not the most usual nor the best practice. The best ways to preserve cherries are by freezing, canning, or dehydrating them. These techniques aid in preserving its flavour, texture, and nutritional value over time. If you want to preserve cherries in water, make sure they are clean and damage-free before placing them in a sterilised jar with water. Remember that compared to other preservation techniques, the texture and flavour of the cherry may be somewhat altered.

Is it ok to eat cherries every day?

Cherry eating may be a fun and beneficial habit. These colourful fruits include a variety of healthy nutrients and antioxidants that can enhance general well-being. Savouring cherries as part of a balanced diet may be a delectable way to fuel your body, but as with any meal, moderation is crucial.

Can you wash cherries with salt?

Cherries don’t necessarily need to be washed with salt; you may simply rinse them with water to make sure they’re clean.

What colour cherries are the healthiest?

Cherries’ colour has no impact on how healthy they are. Cherries of all colours, including red and black, provide a variety of nutritional benefits.

Are cherries good for kidneys?

Because of their inherent qualities, cherries are typically thought to be good for kidney health.

Is cherry good for creatinine?

Due to their natural components, cherries may offer advantages for people with increased creatinine levels. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that can help the kidneys operate. Moderation is encouraged, though, as is talking to a medical expert.

Does cherry increase uric acid?

The consumption of cherries is known to potentially lower uric acid levels. They include substances that might improve general joint health and lessen the development of uric acid. Individual responses, however, may differ, therefore it’s always advised to speak with a healthcare practitioner for tailored guidance.

Are cherries good for arthritis?

It has been discovered that cherries may contain anti-inflammatory qualities, which may be helpful for those with arthritis. Cherry consumption as part of a balanced diet can be a tasty and nourishing method to enhance general joint health, while they are no a cure. Always remember that the best course of action for controlling the symptoms of arthritis is to speak with a healthcare expert for personalised guidance and treatment choices.


Cherries are not only tasty but also loaded with several health advantages. You can preserve cherries’ freshness and increase their shelf life by using the right storage methods, like washing and drying them before storing them in the fridge or freezing them for a long period. Leftovers  Cherries can also be used to make jam, pies, and other pastries, or they can even be canned for later use.

However, it’s crucial to put safety first by making sure the cherries are firm, thoroughly clean, and devoid of any deterioration indicators. You may fully enjoy cherry’ amazing flavour and health benefits by being aware of food safety and taking the required measures.



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